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What’s That App.com is an app/product referral site that is designed to help users find the right applications to download and enjoy on their electronic devices. Come here to find the functionality that you want and need. What’s That App.com developers tell their stories and provide tutorials here, so users are able to find, download and use their applications more productively.

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Once you create your identity, you will be able to tell the story of your app, upload video tutorials and promote your app. Users won’t have to go anywhere else to learn how to use and download your app once they land at What's that App.com

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and get an UGOTM speaker

Promote your apps in a fair and unbiased way and we’ll send you a wireless mini speaker to stream your music. You can also listen to the radio, stream content, like audio books, use as a speaker phone, and much more wherever you goWhat's that App.com